Interior spread of artists book titled, 2219

Featured Collections

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  • PrimateImages : Natural History Collection

    The PrimateImages database is a collection of photographs and information about nonhuman primates. These images were contributed by numerous photographers through the Lawrence Jacobsen Library at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, Univ…

  • Wisconsin Public Land Survey Records : Original Field Notes and Plat Maps

    The field notes and plat maps of the public land survey of Wisconsin are a valuable resource for original land survey information, as well as for understanding Wisconsin's landscape history. The survey of Wisconsin was conducted between 1832 and 18…

  • Marathon County Local History

    The Marathon County Public Library provides historical information and resources concerning the history of Marathon County. Marathon County, which was officially organized in 1850, is the largest county in Wisconsin. This digital collection focuses…

  • New Glarus and Green County Local History

    In 1845 emigrants from the canton of Glarus in Switzerland, leaving their homeland because of dire economic conditions, established a colony in southern Wisconsin and named it New Glarus. Over the following years, more Swiss from various cantons se…

  • Theatre to Cinema : Stage Pictorialism and the Early Feature Film

    The centerpiece of this collection is a reprint of Theatre to Cinema: Stage Pictorialism and the Early Feature Film, by Ben Brewster and Lea Jacobs first published by Oxford University Press in 1997. While previous accounts of the relationship betw…

  • Down Home Dairyland Collection

    Between 1989 and 1992, folklorists Jim Leary and Rick March produced and hosted "Down Home Dairyland," a radio series that explored the traditional and ethnic music of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest. The series drew heavily on field recordings and…

  • Wisconsin Pioneer Experience

    The Wisconsin Pioneer Experience is a digital collection of diaries, letters, reminiscences, speeches and other writings of people who settled and built Wisconsin during the 19th century. The project has been made available through the partnership …

  • Ozaukee County Local History Collection

    The Ozaukee County Local History Collection provides a window into the history and development of Ozaukee County. Whether published over 100 years ago or more recently, the selected material is focused on the history of the area, often stems from p…