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  • Books

    El amor es un perro del infierno : poemas 1974-1977

    Love is a dog from hell. Spanish (Arbós Moya)
  • Books

    Los placeres del condenado : poemas, 1951-1993

    Pleasures of the damned. Spanish (Arbós Moya)
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    Ruiseñor, deséame suerte

    Mockingbird wish me luck. Spanish (Iriarte Goñi)
  • Books

    La gente parece flores al fin : nuevos poemas

    People look like flowers at last. Spanish (Iriarte Goñi)
  • Books

    Chinaski : cartero ; factótum ; mujeres

    Works. Selections. Spanish (Berlanga)
  • Books

    Erecciones, eyaculaciones, exhibiciones

    Erections, ejaculations, exhibitions and general tales of ordinary madness. Spanish (Álvarez Flórez and Pérez)
  • Books

    La máquina de follar

    Erections, ejaculations, exhibitions and general tales of ordinary madness. Spanish (Álvarez Flórez and Pérez)
  • Books

    Madrigales de la pensión

    Roominghouse Madrigals. Spanish (Moreno Carrascal)

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