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    近代化と価値観 : 源了圓教授古稀記念論文集

    Kindaika to kachikan : Minamoto Ryōen Kyōju koki kinen ronbunshuū
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    四十周年記念号 : 変動するアジア, 民眾蜂起の心性

    Yonjū shūnen kinen-gō : hendōsuru Ajia, minshū hōki no shinsei
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    アジアの草の根運動 = Grassroots movements in Asia

    Ajia no kusa no ne undō = Grassroots movements in Asia
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    日本の近代化と脫近代化 / La modernisation et la post-modernisation japonaises / edited by M. William Steele and Tōru Araki

    Nihon no kindaika to datsukindaika / La modernisation et la post-modernisation japonaises / edited by M. William Steele and Tōru Araki
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    アジアの金属職人文化と近代化 = Modernization and the culture of metalworkers in Asia

    Ajia no kinzoku shokunin bunka to kindaika = Modernization and the culture of metalworkers in Asia