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    浄土教の美術 : 平等院鳳凰堂

    Jōdokyō no bijutsu : Byōdōin Hōōdō
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    密教の美術 : 東寺・神護寺・室生寺

    Mikkyō no bijutsu : Tōji, Jingoji, Murouji
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    神道の美術 : 春日, 日吉, 熊野

    Shintō no bijutsu : Kasuga, Hie, Kumano
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    Byōdōin to Chūsonji
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    Shindenzukuri no kenkyū
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    Art in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism

    Mikkyō no bijutsu. English
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    王朝絵卷と裝飾経 : 平安の絵画・工芸 II

    Ōchō emaki to sōshokukyō : Heian no kaiga, kōgei II
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    東京国立博物館図版目錄. やまと絵篇

    Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan zuhan mokuroku. Yamatoe hen
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    Heian kizoku to teidai