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    He Yin zhi min zheng fu ya pian shui shou zheng ce ji qi dui Zhaowa Hua ren she hui de ying xiang
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    Xi nan di qu de fu nü fa zhan yu she hui wen ding wen ti yan jiu
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    澳门新移民调查及政策研究 (2007-2008) = Investigation and policy research on new immigrants in Macao (2007-2008)

    Aomen xin yi min diao cha ji zheng ce yan jiu (2007-2008) = Investigation and policy research on new immigrants in Macao (2007-2008)
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    中国城市青少年弱势群体现状与社会保护政策 = The urban vulnerable youth groups in China and the policies for their social protection

    Zhongguo cheng shi qing shao nian ruo shi qun ti xian zhuang yu she hui bao hu zheng ce = The urban vulnerable youth groups in China and the policies for their social protection
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    Seoul train

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    She hui wen ding feng xian ping gu yu guan li
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    扶贫综合开发绩效研究 : 西藏扎囊县德吉新村调查报告

    Fu pin zong he kai fa ji xiao yan jiu : Xizang Zhanang Xian Deji Xincun diao cha bao gao
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    农民工就业波动分析及对策研究 = Nongmingong jiuye bodong fenxi ji duice yanjiu

    Nong min gong jiu ye bo dong fen xi ji dui ce yan jiu = Nongmingong jiuye bodong fenxi ji duice yanjiu
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    荡涤污泥浊水 : 新中国成立初期中国共产党对主要社会问题的治理

    Dang di wu ni zhuo shui : xin Zhongguo cheng li chu qi Zhongguo gong chan dang dui zhu yao she hui wen ti de zhi li
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    新中国禁娼纪实 1949中国警察解密档案

    Xin Zhongguo jin chang ji shi : 1949 Zhongguo jing cha jie mi dang an