Defining Gender contains some 50,000 images of original documents from five centuries of advice literature and related material, from diaries, advice and conduct books, as well as articles from medical and other journals, ballads, cartoons, and pamphlets, all from Europe. Much of the material is British in origin, from the Bodleian and other libraries. Defining Gender is organized into five thematic sections: Conduct and Politeness, Domesticity and the Family, Consumption and Leisure, Education and Sensibility, and The Body. Each section also features author biographies, essays by scholars, a chronology, and teaching hints. The items in Defining Gender are a selection from various microfilm series, and there is a link to the indices for the full microfilm sets. Searching operates on all indexed terms, not every word in the full text. An average of forty index terms is associated with each document. (Complete, not updated)