
中華人民共和囯对外贸易法 = Foreign trade law of the People's Republic of China = La loi du commerce extérieur de la Republicque Populaire de Chine = Aussenhandelsgesetz der Volksrepublik China = 중화인민공화국대외무역법 = 中華人民共和囯对外贸易法

Dui wai mao yi fa. Chinese and English, etc.
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo dui wai mao yi fa = Foreign trade law of the People's Republic of China = La loi du commerce extérieur de la Républicque Populaire de Chine = = Aussenhandelsgesetz der Volksrepublik China = Chungwah Inmin Konghwagul taeoe muyŏkpŏp = Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku taigai bōekihō
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