
Memoria de mis putas tristes

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An elderly journalist decides to celebrate 90th year in a grand way, giving himself a present that will make him feel like he's still alive: a young virgin. In the brothel of a picturesque town, th...

An elderly journalist decides to celebrate 90th year in a grand way, giving himself a present that will make him feel like he's still alive: a young virgin. In the brothel of a picturesque town, the moment comes where he sees the girl from the back, completely naked, and his life changes radically. Now that he meets her he finds himself close to dying, not of old age, but rather of love.

Cuenta la vida de este anciano solitario, un apasionado de la música clásica, nada aficionado de las mascotas y lleno de manías. Por él sabremos cómo en todas sus aventuras sexuales (que no fueron pocas) siempre dio a cambio algo de dinero, pero nunca imaginó que de ese modo encontraría el verdadero amor.


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