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McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. Citizen Extraordinaire : the Diplomatic Diaries of Vance McCormick in London and Paris, 1917-1919, with Other Documents from a High-Minded American Life. Mechanicsburg, PA :Stackpole Books, 2004.


McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. (2004). Citizen extraordinaire : the diplomatic diaries of Vance McCormick in London and Paris, 1917-1919, with other documents from a high-minded American life. Mechanicsburg, PA :Stackpole Books,


McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946. Citizen Extraordinaire : the Diplomatic Diaries of Vance McCormick in London and Paris, 1917-1919, with Other Documents from a High-Minded American Life. Mechanicsburg, PA :Stackpole Books, 2004.

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