Citation Data


Louisiana. Constitution of the State of Louisiana : Adopted in Convention at the City of Baton Rouge, June 18, 1921, as Amended through the Election of November 8, 1938. [Baton Rouge] :[Thos. J. Moran's Sons], 1939.


Louisiana. (1939). Constitution of the State of Louisiana : adopted in convention at the city of Baton Rouge, June 18, 1921, as amended through the election of November 8, 1938. [Baton Rouge] :[Thos. J. Moran's Sons],


Louisiana. Constitution of the State of Louisiana : Adopted in Convention at the City of Baton Rouge, June 18, 1921, as Amended through the Election of November 8, 1938. [Baton Rouge] :[Thos. J. Moran's Sons], 1939.

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