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Daku is a young Balinese, he is single and lives in Jakarta with his adopted daughter, Sinta. When receives a telegram from Bali, he doesn't dare open the message but he can easily what it says, hi...

Daku is a young Balinese, he is single and lives in Jakarta with his adopted daughter, Sinta. When receives a telegram from Bali, he doesn't dare open the message but he can easily what it says, his mother is dead, he will have to go back to Bali, and certainly have to leave Sinta behind in Jakarta for a long time. For several days, Daku escape from reality and trapped his delusions and fantasies, discovering Rosa. The beauty of his paradise in fantasy and his child in reality is the on conflict for Daku. Gradually, Sinta succeeds in realizing her father from this fantasies.


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