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a Parkway production ; a Penny Marshall film ; based on a story by Kim Wilson & Kelly Candaele ; screenplay by Lowell Ganz & Babaloo Mandel ; produced by Robert Greenhut and Elliot Abbott ; directed by Penny Marshall. A League of Their Own. Culver City, CA :Columbia Tristar Home Video, 1997.


a Parkway production ; a Penny Marshall film ; based on a story by Kim Wilson & Kelly Candaele ; screenplay by Lowell Ganz & Babaloo Mandel ; produced by Robert Greenhut and Elliot Abbott ; directed by Penny Marshall. (1997). A league of their own. Culver City, CA :Columbia Tristar Home Video,


a Parkway production ; a Penny Marshall film ; based on a story by Kim Wilson & Kelly Candaele ; screenplay by Lowell Ganz & Babaloo Mandel ; produced by Robert Greenhut and Elliot Abbott ; directed by Penny Marshall. A League of Their Own. Culver City, CA :Columbia Tristar Home Video, 1997.

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