Citation Data


Scotland. Court of Session. Cases Decided in the Court of Session, Jury Court, and High Court of Justiciary, from March 13, [1829] to [September 8, 1832] .. Edinburgh : London :Stirling & Kenney ; J. Shillinglaw, 18291833.


Scotland. Court of Session. (18291833). Cases decided in the Court of Session, Jury Court, and High Court of Justiciary, from March 13, [1829] to [September 8, 1832] .. Edinburgh : London :Stirling & Kenney ; J. Shillinglaw,


Scotland. Court of Session. Cases Decided in the Court of Session, Jury Court, and High Court of Justiciary, from March 13, [1829] to [September 8, 1832] .. Edinburgh : London :Stirling & Kenney ; J. Shillinglaw, 18291833.

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