Citation Data


National Education Association of the United States. Present Status of Music Instruction in Colleges and High Schools, 1919-20 : Report of a Study Made under the Direction of the United States Bureau of Education by a Joint Committee of the National Education Association, Music Teachers' National Association, and Music Supervisors' National Conference. Washington :G.P.O., 1921.


National Education Association of the United States. (1921). Present status of music instruction in colleges and high schools, 1919-20 : report of a study made under the direction of the United States Bureau of Education by a Joint Committee of the National Education Association, Music Teachers' National Association, and Music Supervisors' National Conference. Washington :G.P.O.,


National Education Association of the United States. Present Status of Music Instruction in Colleges and High Schools, 1919-20 : Report of a Study Made under the Direction of the United States Bureau of Education by a Joint Committee of the National Education Association, Music Teachers' National Association, and Music Supervisors' National Conference. Washington :G.P.O., 1921.

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