
Angel Pig & the hidden Christmas

Author / Creator
Waldron, Jan L
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A group of pigs discover the meaning of Christmas. Six little pigs are getting excited about Christmas, but they have no money for presents. Six little pigs are getting excited about Christmas, but...

A group of pigs discover the meaning of Christmas. Six little pigs are getting excited about Christmas, but they have no money for presents. Six little pigs are getting excited about Christmas, but they have no money for presents. 'Tis the day before Christmas, the house is a-flutter. The pigs are abuzz cleaning up all the clutter. David McPhail has created more superb swine, and this time, tinsel and treats are the first things on their little piggie minds. To get ready for Christmas, there's so much to do, and although they're starting a bit late these eager porkers are determined to make this the best holiday ever. But what's this? An empty wallet? No money for gifts! The pigs were despondent, some started to bawl, "Now we can't go to the outlets and mall - To buy jeans and sneakers with fancy brand names, and TVs and CDs and video games." To the group of shocked pigs, it looks as though Christmas is doomed before it has even begun. Luckily for them, one divine little pig complete with pink high-top tennis shoes has had her merry eyes on them. Her soothing message comes straight from the true spirit of Christmas: The best gifts of all are not to be found in stores, but in our own homes and hearts. When the piggies are inspired by this angelic emissary to put their best trotters forward, they turn out to be magnificent bakers and makers splendid gift givers in the original tradition. Near midnight, there's only one task left: to find the perfect Christmas tree. When they have bundled up warmly and stepped out into the snow, they discover Angel Pig's most radiant gift to them: a humble tree they have taken for granted, newly transformed by festive winter magic.



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