
Execración contra los judíos

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Pp. ix-lix contain an introduction by the editors relating that this work, published in 1633, called on King Philip IV to cancel any economic partnership with Conversos and to carry out a new, more...

Pp. ix-lix contain an introduction by the editors relating that this work, published in 1633, called on King Philip IV to cancel any economic partnership with Conversos and to carry out a new, more radical expulsion of Jews. It expressed Quevedo's opposition to the mercantilist policy of the Count-Duke of Olivares, established in a context of economic crisis, military catastrophes and corruption. The Spanish state, in need of monetary resources, engaged with Jewish financiers from the Converso circles of Madrid and Sevilla, and eased the statutes of purity of blood. The influence gained by these Conversos, their manipulations and dubious relationships with countries with whom Spain was in conflict, aroused opposition and antisemitism on the part of the nobility and the common people. Accusations against Conversos and Jews spread. In 1632 a large auto de fe took place in Madrid. The work of Quevedo reflected this state of mind as well as the general opposition to the new mercantilist policy that led the nobility to lose pre-eminence in face of the new world financial powers of which the Jews were a part.


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