
The old school, essays by divers hands

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Essays on their schools by W.H. Auden, H.E. Bates, Theodora Benson, Elizabeth Bowen, Arthur Calder-Marshall, Walter Greenwood, L.P. Hartley, Harold Nicolson, Sean O'Faolain, William Plomer, Anthony...

Essays on their schools by W.H. Auden, H.E. Bates, Theodora Benson, Elizabeth Bowen, Arthur Calder-Marshall, Walter Greenwood, L.P. Hartley, Harold Nicolson, Sean O'Faolain, William Plomer, Anthony Powell, J.N. Richards, E. Arnot Robertson, Stephen Spender, Derek Verschoyle, E.L.Grant Watson, Antonia White, and Graham Greene.


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