Citation Data


Bstan-ʼdzin-phun-tshogs, Deʼu-dmar Dge-bshes, active 18th century. Principles of Lamaist Pharmacognosy : Being the Texts of the Dri Med Shel Gong, Dri Med Shel Phreng, and the Lag Len Gces Bsdus. Leh :S.W. Tashigangpa, 1970.


Bstan-ʼdzin-phun-tshogs, Deʼu-dmar Dge-bshes, active 18th century. (1970). Principles of Lamaist pharmacognosy : being the texts of the Dri med shel gong, Dri med shel phreng, and the Lag len gces bsdus. Leh :S.W. Tashigangpa,


Bstan-ʼdzin-phun-tshogs, Deʼu-dmar Dge-bshes, active 18th century. Principles of Lamaist Pharmacognosy : Being the Texts of the Dri Med Shel Gong, Dri Med Shel Phreng, and the Lag Len Gces Bsdus. Leh :S.W. Tashigangpa, 1970.

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