
ʻAnusō̜n ngān phrarātchathān phlœ̄ng sop Phra Dunlayathatpatiphān (Thō̜ Dunlayathat), Pō̜. Chō̜., Pō̜. Mō̜., Thō̜. Čhō̜. na mēn lūang nā phapphlā ʻītsariyāphō̜n Wat Thēpsirinthrāwāt, Krung Thēp Mahā Nakhō̜n, Wansao thī 2, Mithunāyon Phō̜. Sō̜. 2533

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Cremation volume for Dunlayathatpatiphān (Thō̜), Phra, 1899-1990, former senior judge of Thailand's Supreme Court; comprises biography, condolences, rules and regulations of Bureau of the Royal Hou...

Cremation volume for Dunlayathatpatiphān (Thō̜), Phra, 1899-1990, former senior judge of Thailand's Supreme Court; comprises biography, condolences, rules and regulations of Bureau of the Royal Household, and Buddhist ethical teachings by two senior Buddhist monks from Thailand.


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