Microforms; Books

Automated cell detection as a mesocyclone precursor tool

Author / Creator
Harris, F. Ian
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Automated cell detection in radar observations of convective storm complexes has been explored as a severe storm indicator. Six-dB peaks were detected in the radar reflectivity fields and their cha...

Automated cell detection in radar observations of convective storm complexes has been explored as a severe storm indicator. Six-dB peaks were detected in the radar reflectivity fields and their characteristics were monitored as a function of time. It was found in a severe tornadic storm that the number of cells and the average intensity of the cells had trends that appear to be characteristic of super-cell storms with these trends being identifiable at least 45 min before the touchdown of the first tornado and 90 min before the touchdown of a maxi tornado. None of these trends could be detected in a storm system that produced only a funnel cloud. This second storm did produce a tornado vortex signature. It would appear that the peak detection algorithm has the potential of extending the warning period for severe weather associated with super-cell and for indicating the potential of extremely severe weather. Testing has been limited and therefore these results must be considered somewhat tentative.


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