Citation Data


Cooper, Edith Fairman, 1949-. U.S. Science and Engineering Education and Manpower : Background, Supply and Demand, and Comparison with Japan, the Soviet Union, and West Germany : Report. Washington :U.S. G.P.O., 1983.


Cooper, Edith Fairman, 1949-. (1983). U.S. science and engineering education and manpower : background, supply and demand, and comparison with Japan, the Soviet Union, and West Germany : report. Washington :U.S. G.P.O.,


Cooper, Edith Fairman, 1949-. U.S. Science and Engineering Education and Manpower : Background, Supply and Demand, and Comparison with Japan, the Soviet Union, and West Germany : Report. Washington :U.S. G.P.O., 1983.

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