Sound Recordings

[Oral History Program interview with James F. Crow, 1983. First interview of two]]

Available as

Background--Education at University of Texas--Cold Spring Harbor--Appointment to UW--Joshua Lederberg--Crow's research--Research funding--UW standing in genetics--Development of medical genetics at...

Background--Education at University of Texas--Cold Spring Harbor--Appointment to UW--Joshua Lederberg--Crow's research--Research funding--UW standing in genetics--Development of medical genetics at UW--Rift in department of basic vs. applied research--John Bowers' deanship--Philip Cohen's acting deanship--Reasons Crow accepted appointment as acting dean--Research in Medical School departments--Getting Sewall Wright here--Graduate students--Cooperation in field of genetics up to now--Use of computers--His use of Bascom professorship money--Work on effects of radiation--Recent award from Japanese government--McCarthy era--UW's early reputation for liberalism.


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