Citation Data


Symposium on NMR and X-Ray Crystallography: Interfaces and Challenges (1988 : Philadelphia, Pa.) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Proceedings of the Symposium on NMR and X-Ray Crystallography, Interfaces and Challenges : [Held] at the Academy of Natural Science Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 27-278, 1988. Buffalo, N.Y. :American Crystallographic Assn., 1988.


Symposium on NMR and X-Ray Crystallography: Interfaces and Challenges (1988 : Philadelphia, Pa.) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). (1988). Proceedings of the Symposium on NMR and X-Ray Crystallography, Interfaces and Challenges : [held] at the Academy of Natural Science Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 27-278, 1988. Buffalo, N.Y. :American Crystallographic Assn.,


Symposium on NMR and X-Ray Crystallography: Interfaces and Challenges (1988 : Philadelphia, Pa.) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Proceedings of the Symposium on NMR and X-Ray Crystallography, Interfaces and Challenges : [Held] at the Academy of Natural Science Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 27-278, 1988. Buffalo, N.Y. :American Crystallographic Assn., 1988.

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