Manuscripts, Theses

Piano pedagogy resource file

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Arranged in two separate bibliographies: I. Bibliography of elementary-intermediate piano music in Mills [Music] Library (743 cards). II. Bibliographies of music which identify genre, style, level ...

Arranged in two separate bibliographies: I. Bibliography of elementary-intermediate piano music in Mills [Music] Library (743 cards). II. Bibliographies of music which identify genre, style, level of difficulty, etc...(116 items)

The bibliography of elementary-intermediate piano music in Mills Music Library consists of 743 coded cards which describe the location of the music, definition of era, types of instruction and level of difficulty. Appropriate for adults as well as children. Assistance was provided by Valerie Watts and Barbara Strauss.

The bibliographies of music which identify genre, style, level of difficulty, methodology, national characteristics, pedagogical focus, etc., are a compilation of papers presented over a 20-25 year period by advanced piano students in a pedagogy course (Forum in Class Piano) taught by J. Ross. The aim is at providing alternative access to library materials important to piano teachers. Assistance was provided by Mark Ensley.


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