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Centenary Conference of the Department of Metallurgy, Sheffield University (1984 : Sheffield). Perspectives in Metallurgical Development : Proceedings of the Centenary Conference on 16-18 July, 1984 to Celebrate the Establishment of the University of Sheffield's Department of Metallurgy in 1884. London :Metals Society in association with the Department of Metallurgy, Faculty of Materials, University of Sheffield, 1984.


Centenary Conference of the Department of Metallurgy, Sheffield University (1984 : Sheffield). (1984). Perspectives in metallurgical development : proceedings of the Centenary Conference on 16-18 July, 1984 to celebrate the establishment of the University of Sheffield's Department of Metallurgy in 1884. London :Metals Society in association with the Department of Metallurgy, Faculty of Materials, University of Sheffield,


Centenary Conference of the Department of Metallurgy, Sheffield University (1984 : Sheffield). Perspectives in Metallurgical Development : Proceedings of the Centenary Conference on 16-18 July, 1984 to Celebrate the Establishment of the University of Sheffield's Department of Metallurgy in 1884. London :Metals Society in association with the Department of Metallurgy, Faculty of Materials, University of Sheffield, 1984.

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