
Statement of the United States Commission on Civil Rights on school desegregation

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In this paper, the Commission on Civil Rights asks government leaders in the Reagan administration to reaffirm the elimination of segregation in elementary and secondary schools as established by t...

In this paper, the Commission on Civil Rights asks government leaders in the Reagan administration to reaffirm the elimination of segregation in elementary and secondary schools as established by the Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. Past actions by the executive and legislative branches are reviewed and the position of the current administration is examined and criticized. Three controversial issues in school desegregation are discussed: (1) quality education, (2) busing, and (3) "white flight." The report stresses that commitment and leadership are needed from political, community, business and labor leaders, as well as from school officials, board members, teachers, support staff, parents and students.


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