
The decisive moment

Images à la sauvette. English
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"Strictly speaking, The Decisive Moment is a monograph of Cartier-Bresson's best work, but it has overriding unifying factors that elevate it into a great photobook. The first is the concept of the...

"Strictly speaking, The Decisive Moment is a monograph of Cartier-Bresson's best work, but it has overriding unifying factors that elevate it into a great photobook. The first is the concept of the 'decisive moment' itself, which defines the elegance of Cartier-Bresson's imagery: the instant when all the elements in the picture-frame come together to make the perfect image--not the peak of action necessarily, but the formal peak ... No one achieved it more often or better, but allied with it was Cartier-Bresson's thoroughly clear-eyed view of the world--astute, non-sentimental, beautiful, profound. Crucially, for all their formal grace, his pictures are distinguished by his humanist view of life."--The Photobook : A History Volume I / Martin Parr and Gerry Badger. London : Phaidon, 2004.


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