Mixed Materials

CETA participant applicant files, 1974-1983

Available as

Summaries of participant activity in the CETA program, at a variety of levels of detail, from subcontract agreement through total program results. Participant information is stored on different med...

Summaries of participant activity in the CETA program, at a variety of levels of detail, from subcontract agreement through total program results.

Participant information is stored on different media including: (1) Paper -- hard copy participant applicant files, quarterly federal reports, and assorted computer-produced specialized participant data reports; (2) Microfiche -- quarterly computer-produced management reports and eligibility audit verification records; and (3) Computer Tape -- participant information (applicant files and eligibility audit verification records).

This RDA is written to close out all records maintained by the division. The Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) Balance of State program was administered by the Wisconsin State Manpower Council from 1974-1980, and by DETS after 1980. The CETA program ended September 30, 1983. Files were maintained in the DETS Central office and in each District office. Files were merged to destroy duplicate materials and purged of selected program materials. Separate payment materials were maintained by Job Service in the CETA Payment Unit. Retention recommendations are based on the Federal guideline for prime sponsor records destruction, per 41 CFR 29-70.201-3.


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