Mixed Materials

Young Christian Workers, Milwaukee Federation records, 1940-1964

Available as

Records of the Milwaukee federation and individual chapters of a Catholic action youth group, including agendas, correspondence, financial records, minutes, newsletters, and reports. The records do...

Records of the Milwaukee federation and individual chapters of a Catholic action youth group, including agendas, correspondence, financial records, minutes, newsletters, and reports. The records document YCW programs and projects such as the Basic Social Action Program, workshops on dating, retreats, International Days and Weeks, special inquiries on migrant workers and racial discrimination, study days and weekends, and training courses. Scrapbooks document Milwaukee's participation in the September 1957 International YCW Pilgrimage to Rome and YCW Teachers' Group.

Also present are a few records of the Milwaukee Chapter of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists (1940-43), the Cardijn Center, the Christian Family Movement, and the College Young Christian Students.


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