
Wheat Price Supports and Marketing Quotas and Durum Wheat hearings before the United States House Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Wheat, Eighty-Sixth Congress, first session, on Mar. 10-12, 16, 18, 20, 23-25, 1959

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Committee Serial K. Considers H.R. 3275 and 14 identical bills, to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act to increase wheat price supports and revise wheat marketing quotas; and H.R. 3315 and relate...

Committee Serial K. Considers H.R. 3275 and 14 identical bills, to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act to increase wheat price supports and revise wheat marketing quotas; and H.R. 3315 and related H.R. 5378 and H.R. 5443, to revise durum wheat marketing quotas and acreage allotments.

Considers (86) H.R. 3275, (86) H.R. 6737, (86) H.R. 3315, (86) H.R. 5443, (86) H.R. 4679, (86) H.R. 4689, (86) H.R. 4716, (86) H.R. 4722, (86) H.R. 4725, (86) H.R. 4749, (86) H.R. 4751, (86) H.R. 4791, (86) H.R. 4818, (86) H.R. 4991, (86) H.R. 5060, (86) H.R. 5314, (86) H.R. 5840, (86) H.R. 3436, (86) H.R. 5378.


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