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Bigelow, Timothy, 1739-1790. Thirty Dollars Reward. This Evening Escaped from the Custody of My Guard One Caleb Green, Late of New-Fane. A Great Villain--Has Been Passing Counterfeit Thirty Dollar Bills .. [Worcester, Mass. :Printed by William Stearns and Daniel Bigelow, 1777.


Bigelow, Timothy, 1739-1790. (1777). Thirty dollars reward. This evening escaped from the custody of my guard one Caleb Green, late of New-Fane. A great villain--has been passing counterfeit thirty dollar bills .. [Worcester, Mass. :Printed by William Stearns and Daniel Bigelow,


Bigelow, Timothy, 1739-1790. Thirty Dollars Reward. This Evening Escaped from the Custody of My Guard One Caleb Green, Late of New-Fane. A Great Villain--Has Been Passing Counterfeit Thirty Dollar Bills .. [Worcester, Mass. :Printed by William Stearns and Daniel Bigelow, 1777.

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