
The English registry, for the year of our Lord, 1783; (by John Exshaw, bookseller,) or, A collection of English lists; (much improved and enlarged) containing His Majesty's most Honourable privy council; the Lords and Commons in Parliament; the principal officers of state; of the army, and navy; of the law, and trade; the heads of colleges and professors, with many other lists. To which are added, I. An alphabetical list of the Rt. Hon. the House of Lords, with their employments, posts of Honour, &c. II. An alphabetical list of the counties, cities, boroughs, and members for each; with their connections, employments, and posts of Honour. III. A new and correct list of the army, with the dates of the reg. and their different stations. IV. A complete list of the Royal Navy of England, with the stations and ages of the vessels, rates, and names of the commanders; with a correct list of the captains, masters and commanders, with the dates of their commissions as they take post; as also the pay of the officers of the navy. With the present state of Scotland. The whole compiled and digested from the most authentic lists, carefully corrected at the proper offices; and from the best information. Fitted to be bound with Watson's almanack, and making with it, a present state of both kingdoms

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