
A choice pennyworth of wit; or, A clear distinction between a virtuous wife and a wanton harlot. In three parts. Part I. How a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot, to whom he carried gold, jewels, and other things of value for many years, which he receiv'd with unspeakable flattery, till his wife gave him a penny to lay out for a pennyworth of wit. Part II. How he sailed to a far country, where he exchanged his goods for merchandize, being in a tavern, he scornfully derided his wife, and extolled his harlot, for which he was reproved by an ancient man, who put him in a way to try his harlot's love in time of trouble, for which the merchant gave his wife's penny. Part III. How the returned, richly laden, to the British shore, and putting himself in ragged array, he came to his harlot, declaring, that he had not only lost all he had in a storm, but likewise he had slain one of his servants, for which his life was in great danger, and desired her shelter, but instead of so doing, she abused him with scurrilous and vile language, threatening to have him apprehended; at which he left her and returned to his wife with the same pretence, who receiv'd him with unspeakable joy, offering to sacrifice all that ever she had to save his life. Thus did he prove her a faithful wife, and the other a flattering harlot with other things worthy of note

Choice penny-worth of wit.
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