
The lives of the English bishops from the restauration to the revolution. With an account of the most remarkable publick transactions in which they were concern'd. Containing the lives of the following prelates, viz. Dr. Juxon Dr. Sheldon Dr. Sandcroft Dr. Glembam Dr. Griffith Dr. Barrow Dr. Lloyd Dr. Morgan Dr. Lloyd Dr. Creighton Dr. Ken Dr. Ironside Dr. Goulston Dr. Brideoake Dr. Carleton Dr. Lake Dr. Lucy Dr. Wornock Dr. Lloyd Dr. Watson Dr. Laney Dr. Gunning Dr. Turner Dr. Trelawney Dr. Nicholson Dr. Pritchett Dr. Frampton Dr. Monk Dr. Crofe Dr. Lloyd Dr. Davies Dr. Bew Dr. Sanderson Dr. Fuller Dr. Barlow Dr. Hacket Dr. Wood Dr. Henchman Dr. Compton Dr. Reynolds Dr. Sparrow Dr. Lloyd Dr. Paul Dr. Fell Dr. Parker Mr. Hall Dr. Henshaw Dr. White D. Spratt Dr. Earl Dr. Hyde Dr. Ward Dr. Duppa Dr. Morley Dr. Mew Dr. Gauden Dr. Skinner Dr. Blandford Dr. Fleetwood Dr. Thomas Dr. Frewen Dr. Stern Dr. Dolben Dr. Lamplugh Dr. Rainbow Dr. Smith Dr. Walton Dr. Ferne Dr. Hall Dr. Wilkins Dr. Pearson Dr. Cartwright Dr. Cosin Dr. Crew design'd to vindicate them from the aspersions of the Bishops Burnet, Kennet, and others; from the dreams of Rapin, and the vile history of the Stuarts. To this is added, a censure of Mr. Oldmixon's charge upon the editors of the Earl of Clarendon's history

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