
Truth espoused, relative to the difficulties that existed in the town of Manchester, Massachusetts, between James Thurston, minister of the gospel, and a respectable number of the inhabitants of Manchester, and which occasioned a majority of the male members of the church and a respectable proporation of the parishioners to secede from the society in said town, April 5th, 1819 subjoined is a general view of the council doings, in relation to the dismissal of James Thurston from that society, June 17th, 1819 : also, sketches of the law-suit, James Thurston, plaintiff, Tyler Parsons, defendent [sic] : annexed is James Thurston's memorial to the council, presented by Leverett Salstonstall [i.e. Saltonstall], Esq. at the installation of the Rev. Samuel M. Emerson, at Manchester, September 12th, 1822

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