Citation Data


Rokeby, Matthew Robinson-Morris, Baron, 1713-1800. Considerations on the Measures Carrying on with Respect to the British Colonies in North America. London :Printed for R. Baldwin, E. and C. Dilly, J. Johnson, Richardson and Co., and J. Almon, 1774.


Rokeby, Matthew Robinson-Morris, Baron, 1713-1800. (1774). Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to the British colonies in North America. London :Printed for R. Baldwin, E. and C. Dilly, J. Johnson, Richardson and Co., and J. Almon,


Rokeby, Matthew Robinson-Morris, Baron, 1713-1800. Considerations on the Measures Carrying on with Respect to the British Colonies in North America. London :Printed for R. Baldwin, E. and C. Dilly, J. Johnson, Richardson and Co., and J. Almon, 1774.

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