Citation Data


Society for Employing the Female Poor. Explanation of the Views of the Society for Employing the Poor with the Constitution and by-Laws, and an Extract from the Report of the Managers, for the First Three Months, and a List of Subscribers' Names. Boston :[s.n.], 1820.


Society for Employing the Female Poor. (1820). Explanation of the views of the Society for Employing the Poor with the constitution and by-laws, and an extract from the report of the managers, for the first three months, and a list of subscribers' names. Boston :[s.n.],


Society for Employing the Female Poor. Explanation of the Views of the Society for Employing the Poor with the Constitution and by-Laws, and an Extract from the Report of the Managers, for the First Three Months, and a List of Subscribers' Names. Boston :[s.n.], 1820.

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