Manuscripts, Theses

University of Wisconsin Madison Campus Faculty records, 1964-1970

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The University of Wisconsin Madison Campus Faculty was the successor organization of the University of Wisconsin System Faculty. Previous to April 1964, UW Faculty meetings included not only the fa...

The University of Wisconsin Madison Campus Faculty was the successor organization of the University of Wisconsin System Faculty. Previous to April 1964, UW Faculty meetings included not only the faculty of the Madison campus, but also UW Milwaukee, the Center System and Extension. Under the direction of System Faculty legislation of May 6, 1963, the Madison campus began holding meetings separate from the other UW System faculty in April of 1964. The University of Wisconsin Madison Campus Faculty began issuing a new set of numbered documents. In January of 1970 a proposal was submitted to create a Faculty Senate for the Madison campus (see Document #295). The proposal was approved on January 19, 1970. The Senate was elected in April and May of 1970 and thereafter met monthly in place of the whole Madison faculty. After the institution of the Faculty Senate, the whole Madison faculty met only when called by the Chancellor, called by the University Committee or by petition of one hundred voting Madison Campus Faculty members. This collection includes the faculty documents, calendars, minutes and correspondence.

Accession 1981/068 436-L4f (13 Reel to reel tapes of meetings from April & May, 1970)


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