
Resolving Kirkuk lessons learned from settlements of earlier ethno-territorial conflicts

Author / Creator
Hanauer, Larry
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Tensions among Arabs, Kurds, and Turkomen in northern Iraq,particularly regarding the city of Kirkuk, have the potential to escalate into intercommunal violence that would greatly destabilize Iraq....

Tensions among Arabs, Kurds, and Turkomen in northern Iraq,particularly regarding the city of Kirkuk, have the potential to escalate into intercommunal violence that would greatly destabilize Iraq. The city's status is tied up in political, legal, and constitutional disputes over disputed territories, Iraq's oil and gas resources, and the power of Iraq's regions vis-a-vis Baghdad. Past efforts to resolve ethno-territorial conflicts, whether successful or not, offer insights that may facilitate a negotiated solution to the status of Kirkuk. An examination of agreements and negotiations regarding Br?cko, Mostar, Northern Ireland, and Jerusalem demonstrates the importance of separating local disputes from national-level politics, emphasizing practical governance structures over symbols of sovereignty, developing adaptable power-sharing mechanisms and multi-ethnic security forces that protect the rights of current and potential future minorities, empowering local leaders, and marginalizing nationalistic spoilers who amplify ethnic tensions to consolidate their power. Confidence-building measures and successful resolution of local problems could demonstrate that meaningful inter-ethnic collaboration is possible and, by alleviating local tensions, provide "breathing space"


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