Computer file

Landscan global population 2000

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From Introduction notes: The LandScan Global Population Project is a worldwide population database at 30" X 30" (arc second) resolution for estimating ambient populations at risk. Best available ce...

From Introduction notes: The LandScan Global Population Project is a worldwide population database at 30" X 30" (arc second) resolution for estimating ambient populations at risk. Best available census counts are distributed to cells based on probability coefficients which, in turn, are based on road proximity, slope, land cover, and nighttime lights. Global coverage has been completed. Verification and validation (V&V) studies have been conducted routinely for all regions and more extensively for portions of the Middle East and the Southwestern United States.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) developed an automated procedure to allocate rural and urban population distributions to 30" X 30" (arc view) cells. The resulting population distribution can be used for (a) emergency response to natural disasters, terrorist incidents, or industrial accidents; (b) humanitarian relief in famines and other long term disasters; (c) estimation of populations affected by global sea level rise; and (d) numerous other environmental and demographic applications.


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