
Rocket-borne spectral measurement of atmospheric infrared emission during a quiet condition in the auroral zone

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A Nike-Javelin rocket (NJ-74-1) was launched at Poker Flat, Alaska, on 11 Apr 74 at 0801 hours UT during a non-auroral condition. A near-zenith spectral radiance profile was obtained from 54 km to ...

A Nike-Javelin rocket (NJ-74-1) was launched at Poker Flat, Alaska, on 11 Apr 74 at 0801 hours UT during a non-auroral condition. A near-zenith spectral radiance profile was obtained from 54 km to an apogee of 118 km on ascent and from 118 km down to about 85.6 km on descent, using a circular variable filter spectrometer. About 464 spectral scans were obtained during flight, covering the range from 1.7 to 5.4 micrometers at a resolution of about 4 percent. The dominant emission feature was at 4.3 micrometer, which is attributed to the CO2 nu3 fundamental. The upward viewed spectral radiance appeared to range from about 215 MRmicrometer at 54 km to less than the noise equivalent spectral radiance of 3 MR /micrometer at 118 km. In this report are given the first quiet condition (no aurora) rocket data in the auroral zone. (Author).


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