Videos, Slides, Films

Inner wound real

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INNER WOUND REAL is an animated short documentary that relays the story of three BIPOC folks who self-injure, then find new ways to cope. Each participant's story has its own distinct visual style....

INNER WOUND REAL is an animated short documentary that relays the story of three BIPOC folks who self-injure, then find new ways to cope. Each participant's story has its own distinct visual style. The chapters are independent puzzle pieces that together form the 15-minute film. Everyone self harms in some way, such as smoking, excessive drinking, or eating unhealthy foods, yet self-injury carries a unique stigma. While most media depictions of self-injury focus on able-bodied white cis-women, this project focuses on three individuals: an Indian cismale, a Black transgender non-binary person, and a Filipinx queer femme who all find solace in the arts. The variety of family backgrounds and identities show how this practice spans across racial, ethnic, and gendered groups.


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