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All models are wrong, but some are useful, especially with the right data

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"Presented by Alex Schwarm, VP/Head of Data Science at Dun & Bradstreet. For many teams, the most challenging step in delivering useful results, is less about the modeling techniques and methods an...

"Presented by Alex Schwarm, VP/Head of Data Science at Dun & Bradstreet. For many teams, the most challenging step in delivering useful results, is less about the modeling techniques and methods and more about having access to the right data with the appropriate data coverage of the domain of interest. In this talk, we will describe two specific use cases where data pays a crucial role: one around identifying supply chain risks and one related to prospect targeting. For the supply chain risk use case, we will describe how access to unique data assets reveals the impact of the Coronavirus on supply chains and how this impacts global businesses. We will also describe how some companies are offering data scientists the ability to access data to determine which data assets best solve their business analytics and modeling needs, with a particular focus on prospect targeting."--Resource description page.


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