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A low-latency and fault-tolerant framework for distributed and deep neural networks over the cloud-to-things continuum

AEiC 2021 - 25th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies Technical Session 6: Emerging applications with reliability requirements (2021)
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The current dependency of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems on Cloud computing implies higher transmission latency and bandwidth consumption. Moreover, it challenges the real-time monitoring of ...

The current dependency of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems on Cloud computing implies higher transmission latency and bandwidth consumption. Moreover, it challenges the real-time monitoring of physical objects, e.g., the Internet of Things (IoT). Edge systems bring computing closer to end devices and support time-sensitive applications. However, Edge systems struggle with state-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks (DNN) due to computational resource limitations. In this proposal, an introduced framework combines the Edge-Cloud architecture concept with BranchyNet advantages to support fault-tolerant and low-latency AI predictions. The implementation and evaluation of this framework allow assessing the benefits of running Distributed DNN (DDNN) in the Cloud-to-Things continuum. Compared to a Cloud-only deployment, the results obtained show an improvement of 45.34% in the response time. Furthermore, this proposal presents an extension for Kafka-ML that reduces rigidness over the Cloud-to-Things continuum managing and deploying DDNN.


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