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GAP : Quantifying the Generative Adversarial Set and Class Feature Applicability of Deep Neural Networks

ICPR 2020 MAIN CONFERENCE PS T1.7: Supervised and Semi-supervised Learning (2021)
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This paper studies the problem of Person Re-Identification (ReID) for large-scale applications. Recent research efforts have been devoted to building complicated part models, which introduce consid...

This paper studies the problem of Person Re-Identification (ReID) for large-scale applications. Recent research efforts have been devoted to building complicated part models, which introduce considerably high computational cost and memory consumption, inhibiting its practicability in large-scale applications. This paper aims to develop a novel learning strategy to find efficient feature embeddings while maintaining the balance of accuracy and model complexity. More specifically, we find by enhancing the classical triplet loss together with cross-entropy loss, our method can explore the hard examples and build a discriminant feature embedding yet compact enough for large-scale applications. Our method is carried out progressively using Bayesian optimization, and we call it the Progressive Learning Algorithm (PLA). Extensive experiments on three large-scale datasets show that our PLA is comparable or better than the state-of-the-arts. Especially, on the challenging Market-1501 dataset, we achieve Rank-1=94.7%/mAP=89.4% while saving at least 30\% parameters than strong part models.


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