Sound Recordings

Roy Colbert, Chester Allen, John Gillen, Andrew Hopkins recordings, 1958

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Audio recordings of the statements by Chester Allen, Roy Colbert, John Gillen, and Andrew Hopkins, which was taken by Professor Roger Axford when he prepared his history of correspondence courses a...

Audio recordings of the statements by Chester Allen, Roy Colbert, John Gillen, and Andrew Hopkins, which was taken by Professor Roger Axford when he prepared his history of correspondence courses and a biography of its first Director, William H. Lighty.

Four audio tapes containing interview statements by Chester Allen, Roy Colbert, John Gillen, and Andrew Hopkins, about the history of correspondence courses and the biography of its first director, William H. Lighty. These interviews were recorded in the year 1958 at the University Extension Division, University of Wisconsin by Roger W. Axford.


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