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Stacey Dooley Investigates, Second Chance Sex Offenders

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Stacey travels to Florida where sex offenders face restrictions for life. But there is a battle raging about these laws - do they protect children, or are they just in place to make the public feel...

Stacey travels to Florida where sex offenders face restrictions for life. But there is a battle raging about these laws - do they protect children, or are they just in place to make the public feel better? Stacey spends time with offenders and lawmakers to consider if it is possible for sex offenders to be rehabilitated. Do they ever deserve a second chance, or are their crimes impossible to forgive? Once sex offenders leave prison in Florida, they are put on a publicly available register for life, and neighbours are informed of where they live. Stacey meets the police officers in one county who have taken the laws to the extreme - by placing 5ft red signs outside sexual predators' houses. They are the most serious class of offender, and most have committed crimes against children under 13. Convicted sex offenders on the register are also subject to residency restrictions, which prevent them from living near places where children congregate - like schools, parks and even bus stops. As a result of these living restrictions, offenders have retreated to live in remote parts of Florida, away from built up areas. Stacey also spends time with offenders in a small, isolated settlement called Miracle Village. Surrounded for miles by sugar cane fields, offenders living here have committed a range of sexual crimes against children - from molesting children to watching child pornography.


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