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Ryan's Well

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When Ryan is 7, he comes home from school and asks his mother for 70 dollars to help build a well in the remote community in Uganda where his pen pal, Jimmy, lives. Ryan does dishes, laundry and ot...

When Ryan is 7, he comes home from school and asks his mother for 70 dollars to help build a well in the remote community in Uganda where his pen pal, Jimmy, lives. Ryan does dishes, laundry and other chores to raise the money. When he finds out that the actual cost to build the well is 2000, he enlists friends and they work together to reach his goal. This remarkable young boy will eventually raise hundreds of thousands of dollars. In this moving documentary we meet Ryan and his family, neighbors and friends who help him raise the money. We travel to Uganda and witness the meeting of the two very special pen pals, and the inaugural pumping of "Ryan's Well." At this extraordinary moment, Ryan realizes that he has more friends in Uganda than just Jimmy. He has won the hearts of the entire community, and changed their lives forever. Ryan's is a classic story of "the power of one." This film shows first hand how one determined spirit, regardless of age, can inspire an entire generation..


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