Citation Data


Cronau, Rudolf, 1855-1939. German Achievements in America : a Tribute to the Memory of the Men and Women Who Worked, Fought and Died for the Welfare of This Country, and a Recognition of the Living Who, with Equal Enterprise, Genius and Patriotism, Helped in the Making of Our United States. New York :R. Cronau, 1916.


Cronau, Rudolf, 1855-1939. (1916). German achievements in America : a tribute to the memory of the men and women who worked, fought and died for the welfare of this country, and a recognition of the living who, with equal enterprise, genius and patriotism, helped in the making of our United States. New York :R. Cronau,


Cronau, Rudolf, 1855-1939. German Achievements in America : a Tribute to the Memory of the Men and Women Who Worked, Fought and Died for the Welfare of This Country, and a Recognition of the Living Who, with Equal Enterprise, Genius and Patriotism, Helped in the Making of Our United States. New York :R. Cronau, 1916.

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