Citation Data


Nottingham (Steam Tug). The Steam Tug Nottingham and Barge No. 7, Central Railroad Company of New Jersey, Claimant-Appellant, vs. Fields S. Pendleton, Libellant-Appellee : Brief for Appellant. [New York] :Estate of C.B. Merwin, printer, 1904.


Nottingham (Steam Tug). (1904). The Steam Tug Nottingham and Barge No. 7, Central Railroad Company of New Jersey, claimant-appellant, vs. Fields S. Pendleton, libellant-appellee : brief for appellant. [New York] :Estate of C.B. Merwin, printer,


Nottingham (Steam Tug). The Steam Tug Nottingham and Barge No. 7, Central Railroad Company of New Jersey, Claimant-Appellant, vs. Fields S. Pendleton, Libellant-Appellee : Brief for Appellant. [New York] :Estate of C.B. Merwin, printer, 1904.

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